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Hunter X-CORE Irrigation Controller

Hunter X-CORE Irrigation Controller

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X-Core irrigation controllers offers simple operation with “smart” Solar Sync compatibility. With easy-to-configure control for up to 8 stations, including 3 programs and 4 start times each, the X-Core is the perfect solution for residential applications. Plug in the revolutionary Solar Sync ET sensor and the X-Core is converted into a “smart controller,” that regulates irrigation runtimes based on locally measured weather. X-Core is also compatible with Hunter remotes for quick, wireless activation of irrigation. Installation, operation and maintenance are designed to be simple while still delivering optimal efficiency or reliability.

  • Number of stations: 2, 4, 6, 8

  • Type: Fixed

  • Enclosures: Indoor only

  • Independent programs: 3

  • Start times per program: 4

  • Max. station run time: 4 hrs

  • Warranty period: 2 years


Easy Retrieve Memory

A manual back-up utility that stores complete controller scheduling and setup information in back-up memory. This allows the saved watering schedule to be restored at any time. This can be used to set a controller back to its initial settings after tampering or at the beginning of a new season.

Rain Delay

The Programmable Rain Delay feature incorporates a user specified number of days to keep the controller in the OFF mode, then allows for the system to automatically revert back to scheduled irrigation. This will prevent watering during an extended period of inclement weather, but will resume watering automatically without requiring a return visit to the controller. The controller displays the number of days remaining before watering resumes.

Quick check

The QuickCheck feature makes field wiring issues easy to assess with the push of a button. QuickCheck displays an ERR message when a field wiring short is detected on a particular station number.


This feature offers protection against unreliable power, retaining current time, date, and program data.
Short Circuit Protection

Automatic short circuit protection is a feature found in all Hunter AC powered controllers. This feature automatically detects electrical faults, which are typically caused by wiring issues. Only affected stations are skipped, allowing all other stations to water normally as programmed. There are no fuses to blow or internal circuit breakers to trip, so complete irrigation system shutdown is avoided.

Seasonal Adjustment

This feature allows for quick adjustments to irrigation run times through a percentage scale. During peak season, set the seasonal adjustment to 100%. If weather conditions require less water, enter the appropriate percentage value (i.e. 50%) to cut down irrigation run times without the need to adjust each station in the program.  This model offers two different ways to use Seasonal Adjustment to reduce water usage: Global and Daily.

Global: The Global option provides a Seasonal Adjustment percentage to all station Run Times on all of the controller's Programs.

Daily: With the addition of a Solar Sync ET Sensor, the controller has the ability to automatically implement daily adjustments based on measured local weather.

Delay Between Stations

Users can program a delay between stations as the controller advances from one station to the next. This delay can range from a few seconds (to permit slow-closing valves additional time to close) to a much longer period of time (to allow pressure tanks time to recharge), based on user requirements.

Sensor Programmability

The ability to specify which program will be shut down in response to a specific sensor alarm. This allows programs unaffected by the sensor to continue automatic operations.

Electrical Specifications

  • Transformer input: 230 VAC
  • Transformer output (24 VAC): 1 A
  • Station output (24 VAC): 0.56 A
  • Pump/master valve (24 VAC): 0.28 A
  • Sensor inputs: 1